Saturday, April 7, 2012

My First Multi-Gun Match! @ IWLA #67

Wow! I just finished shooting my first multi gun match....
I was shooting my Glock 34 9mm and my Stag Arms 3g 5.56mm AR15. Sorry about not getting a lot of photos or video this time out. I'm learning to be a Range Officer (RO) and on the club level matches our club is putting the new Local Range Officers through the paces. We have all been through the club level class and we are practicing our skills. We have to run timers, run the shooters (issue range commands and clear the weapons), do scoring, and run the Palm OS scoring handhelds if they are in use. I did sneak a picture of the morning group at the front pits gathering for a match briefing. We always have a great turnout, most matches we have a waiting list to get in the matches. I can't stress enough if you have a good club in your area join. You will learn faster and have access to a great group of people. Ok, now for the how I did..... I only shot the morning Rifle/Pistol match since I had to work in the afternoon. I shot a 3 stage match. Stage 1 I messed up. I should have used my scope, it was mini IPSIC paper, with walls and opening separating the targets. I opted to try my open sights since the targets seemed close enough. Wrong decision. I had a ton of penalty time added for only having one hit but not in the "A" zone. If you didn't hit the "A" zone you had to have 2 hits on the paper. The other 2 stages went much better. I should have at least snapped a picture so you could see the stages. I will remember that next time. I hope to have a mount for my Iphone on my gun cart that I will be able to shoot video from. That way I can just start the video camera and let it run while I do whatever I have to do for the stage.

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